Triumph moments of Plastic Microvascular Reconstructive Surgery – Recently had a difficult case which required huge commitment, expertise, skills and careful planning. The lady had a massive tumour just above right shoulder area, involving Brachial plexus (major nerves in neck), surrounding muscles and was close to main blood vessels.
The tumour was successfully excised by my Onco-Surgeon colleague with great expertise saving the important blood vessels supplying the arm, but Brachial plexus had to be sacrificed as was involved in tumour itself.
Reconstruction task was immense as it needed Brachial Plexus reconstruction, Fixation of Collar bone with implant and coverage of the huge raw area with Free Tissue Transplantation surgery. Normal tissues from thigh (ALT Flap) with its blood vessels was transplanted at the site of tumour excision in neck and shoulder area. It was a good example of careful planning and synchronised team work which was successful. The media also joyfully reported this Plastic Microvascular Reconstructive surgery merriment.