Anti Aging / Wrinkles

Anti-aging science is predominantly based on skin care products which help in making to look a person younger than his actual age by reducing, masking or preventing signs of skin aging.
These signs are laxity (sagging), rhytids (wrinkles), and photoaging, which includes erythema (redness), dyspigmentation (brown discolorations), solar elastosis (yellowing), keratoses (abnormal growths), and poor texture.
One of the most reliable signs of aged skin is an increase in the number and depth of wrinkles. Other signs include irregular pigmentation, skin thinning, and laxity.
Many of the changes found in older skin, but not all, are due to the exposure to ultraviolet light.
Wrinkles fall into two functional categories: fine surface lines (caused by ultraviolet light) and deep furrows (caused by muscle contractions from facial expressions). Wrinkle treatments are in general much more effective for fine lines. Deeper creases may require techniques that are more aggressive.
Environmental and lifestyle factors that promote wrinkling include smoking, degree of pigmentation, heredity (some families wrinkle more), and most important, occupational and recreational sun exposure over the course of many years.
Treatments available for skin wrinkles include topical medical treatments (such as vitamin A acid, alpha hydroxy acids, antioxidants, and moisturizer) and more invasive procedures (such as glycolic acids peels, deep peels, dermabrasion, laser resurfacing, surgical procedures, injection of fillers, and Botox).